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村主 悠真


村主 悠真


FOUNDATION Representative Director.

born 28 July 1982, Tokyo

While traveling around the world advocating world peace, he continues to develop the abilities of people and organizations, and works to increase the number of people living his mission.

Started his own business at the age of 19 while attending Osaka University, sold about 10 companies in a row over five years, and established a fund at the age of 24. Expanding activities overseas and repeating business buyouts. Started social contribution activities at the age of 30. Expanding donation activities with a focus on poverty issues both domestically and internationally. He has been involved in the management of multiple general incorporated associations and NPOs, and has established multiple foundations since the age of 38. Continue to work towards the greatest public benefit in the world.


Diverse people,
peace for each

world peace. A dream since childhood.

Ever since I was young, I hated watching images of wars and conflicts on the news. It wasn't until I became an adult that I learned that things like this happen when a variety of issues become too intertwined. At that time, I started thinking that someday I would be able to think about life in terms of problems and become myself.

I started my own business right after entering university at the age of 19. By managing and investing in hundreds of companies over the past 20 years, I have learned a variety of things, including the structure of society, the principles of capital, and the subtleties of human emotions.

My support activities around the world in various genres have been going on for over 10 years, and this experience has made me realize my role and the mission that should have produced results. There is not a shadow of doubt or hesitation. world. A dream since childhood.

And through these activities, I realized my true abilities that various people are hiding. I want to release each person's full potential.

Now that I am in my 40s, I have reached a major turning point in my life, and I would like to continue to do my best to solve social issues and realize true peace in the world.


It is a non-profit organization that currently establishes and operates over 200 schools around the world.

300 million people. This is the current number of children in the world who are not receiving an education. And our goal is make this number to Zero.We will expand this activity so that national and regional differences do not become a barrier to educational opportunities.



Established with the purpose of supporting organizations that face head-on the many social problems and issues that continue to be neglected.

As a grant project, we provide grants to organizations that address social issues, such as support for children, and people with disabilities, activities to the environment, arts and sports, and support for developing countries.



The MURANUSHI Journal is an archive of Yuma Muranushi's reports on his activities and articles published in the media.

Every day, I will share with you the footsteps of working head-on towards the world peace that I envision.



The Asian Legacy Library is a global non-profit organization whose mission is guided by the belief that safeguarding the cultural literary wisdom traditions of the world is a priority for humankind.



A private meditation class run by the Yuma Muranushi.

The goal is ex-humanization, awakening, and evolution. To an abstract dimension that humanity has not yet reached. Materialize prayer and deviate from the realm of humanity.



We believe in the power of a smile to connect people and create empathy.

We believe that it is a symbol of hope and a driving force for understanding that begins with empathy, and we continue to strive to build peace and harmony through our support activities.



Coming soon
